Book Title:"In All Probability" & "Jumble Tales"
Author:Steve Morris
Published By:Pneuma Springs Publishing
Age Recommended:18 +
Reviewed By:Kitty Bullard
Raven Rating:5

Review:These are two wonderfully delightful books by a man that has clearly had his own ups and downs in life. Steve Morris weaves tales of good fortune and hardship with a master storyteller's pen. I am use to anthologies that range from romance to horror and almost any other genre you can think of, but this is the first time I have read a book about the lot life can hand you and the good or bad that often comes with it.

I'll admit I was skeptical going into these books but I was surprised to find the mixed bag of tales that both contained. These books prove that true life can often be just as wonderfully exciting, adventurous, and fantastic as tales woven from the gossamer fabric of fantasy.

I will be looking for more to come from this UK Author!

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