Thank you again for donating a book for our 1st annual "Good Tidings & Trimmings" e-book Giveaway! What book or books did you donate, tell us more about them.

I donated my debut novel Halloween is for Lovers. It’s about a lovelorn ghost who has one Halloween night to find the girl he abandoned at the altar and get her to love him again.

What is your favorite thing about the holiday season and what does Christmas mean to you?

I love how cozy and small our Boston neighborhood feels over the holidays. You can wander the old streets at night when the only light is coming from beautiful christmas trees in the windows of the brownstones.

What is your favorite holiday memory?

I was working as a snowmaker in Steamboat Colorado. Christmas is the busiest time at a ski resort and we had to pull a double shift on Christmas Eve making snow into the wee hours of the morning. I remember being high up in the mountains at night, looking down on the little ski village below and hearing people singing Christmas songs as a gentle snow fell.

Do you still have any of the toys you got when you were a kid?

My mom gave me a set of Craftsman socket wrenches for Christmas when I was sixteen. (I think 16 counts as still being a kid?) Tools are toys for men.

How do you celebrate the holidays?

My wife and I go to and throw a couple parties, then we head to the Florida keys. I fish and my wife does yoga, then we experiment with margarita formulas. Mix, taste, adjust ingredients, mix, taste, repeat...

Do you still believe in Santa Claus?

I used to reject the existence of Santa but now I think that some things are impossible for us to comprehend. It’s like trying to explain a computer operating system to my dog. He’s a smart dog but he doesn’t have the cognitive ability to grasp computer engineering. Santa, and his ability to circle the globe and deliver presents to everyone in one night, I can’t get my head around that. I am the smart dog, Santa is the super computer.

A lot of people get that warm, fuzzy feeling around this time of year, are you one of those people?

I do, but I never know when it will sneak up and hit me. I was watching tv and that commercial came on with a little girl and her dad singing Feliz Navidad in the back of a Hyundai. Tears just started welling out of my eyes. Here’s a link to it:

Have you ever gone caroling or wanted to?

My friends and I would go door to door with brass instruments and play christmas songs. There was schnapps involved, lots of schnapps.

If you had a choice of the perfect weather for Christmas would it be cold and snowy, or warm and sunny?

Snowy in the high twenties with those big fat snowflakes gently wafting down.

Give us your links! Tell us where to find your books and more information about you!

Get my book here: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B005XQJJHQ

Connect with me here: http://about.me/nategubin

Read more: http://www.greatmindsthinkaloud.proboards.com/index.cgi?action=display&board=interviews&thread=935&page=1#ixzz1h1LLvlz9

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