Book Title: "A Death on the Wolf"
Author: G.M. Frazier
Published By: Self-Published
Age Recommended: 14 +
Reviewed By: Kitty Bullard (Great Minds Think Aloud Literary Community)
Raven Rating: 5

Review: "A Death on the Wolf" by G.M. Frazier is perhaps one of the most endearing coming of age stories I have ever read. I have always enjoyed reading books set in the late sixties early seventies and this one has the feel of a small town summer interlude, where everything is nostalgia and the air is palpable with magic and wonder. Taking place in Louisiana in the height of summer, the story is of a young boy named Nelson Gody, the family he loves more than life itself and the joy of having a father that knew what it was to be a true role model to his children.

There are spiritual elements that give you the ability to see into a religion that many have never endeavored into before. It seems the area is a largely Masonic community, with wholesome values. They have realized that family is the most important thing in life and protecting that is something that just comes natural. There are elements of suspense that keep you guessing as to what will happen next, a first love, a struggle with identity, and of course a death... on the Wolf.

I loved this story, this is one I could easily read again and again, as always G.M. Frazier writes with knowledge, intelligence, and pours his emotion into his characters so you do not merely read what they are feeling but feel it with them. I highly recommend this book and hope you'll seek out a copy!

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