Book Title:"Miss Hildreth Wore Brown"
Author:Olivia deBelle Byrd
Published By:Morgan James Publishing
Age Recommended:18 +
Reviewed By:Kitty Bullard
Raven Rating:5

Review:I absolutely adore books like this, ones with light-hearted humor, true life happenings that make you smile and laugh out loud and lift your heart. Being a true Southern born and bred woman this book reminded me of my own days as a kid, hearing some of, what I thought then were the silliest bits of advice and anecdotes I'd ever heard. All this only to find out later that the advice and things I was taught growing up were some of the most precious information one could possibly learn.

Olvia deBelle Byrd's stories are delightful! They breathe a breath of fresh air into the spirit of the Good Old South, bringing it to life in such vivid detail that you can see the characters she tells us about and makes you wish you had known them too. Some of them actually remind of you people you have known! I have not laughed so long or so hard in a very long time and I truly feel blessed to have been able to read this wonderful bit of literature.

It's a short book, one that you can use to fill in those gaps between longer reads, and one that you will want to read over and over again. You also find out you're not the only one that lives a sometimes crazy life! Poor Miss Olivia deBelle... she's had quite the Southern life experience... Bless her heart.

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